Rutherford Technology High School

Respect Responsibility Commitment

Telephone02 4932 5999


Student Wellbeing at Rutherford Technology High School


Head Teachers

Year 7, 9 & 11       Ms Sarah Thornton

Year 8, 10 & 12     Mrs Emma Basedow


Student Support Officer:

Ms Holy Denton

Mrs Karlie Burgess (W & Th)


Year Advisers 

Year 7                 Ms Samantha McConnell & Mrs Monique Hannigan    

Year 8                  Mrs Anna Petrovski & Mr Tarran Cooper

Year 9                  Mr Zac Sneddon & Ms Nicole Grundy

Year 10                Mr David Connaughton & Mrs Jade Petersen

Year 11                Ms Paige Simpson

Year 12                Ms Erin Withers


Information for Students and Parents

The underlying philosophy of the wellbeing structures of Rutherford Technology High School is contained in the following set of principles and beliefs.

All members of the school:

*deserve to be treated respectfully

*value and accept cultural, academic, social and individual differences

*work to maximise learning experiences

*support and encourage effective learning

*take pride in personal and school achievements

*strive for personal excellence

*work to develop an environment in which individuals can express individuality

*believe in tolerance

*respect others and value differences

*value our multi-cultural perspectives

*are responsible for student wellbeing

*have the right to feel safe


On the basis of these principles Student Wellbeing in Rutherford Technology High School:

*encompasses everything the school community does to meet the personal, social and learning needs of students.

*creates a safe, caring school environment in which students are nurtured as they learn.

*is achieved through the total school curriculum and the way it is delivered.

*incorporates effective discipline.

*incorporates preventative health and social skills programs.

*stresses the value of collaborative early intervention when problems are identified.

*provides ongoing educational services to support students.

*recognises the diversity within the school community and provides programs and support that acknowledge difference and promote harmony.

*recognises the role that the school plays as a resource to link families with community support services.

*provides opportunities for students to:

-enjoy success and recognition

-make a useful contribution to the life of the school

-derive enjoyment from their learning

-recognises the relationship between student and staff wellbeing and ensures that staff wellbeing is also a priority


To achieve the above, Rutherford Technology High School has strong wellbeing structures, which include:

*Support from classroom teachers. While each of the people below has a specific role, individual teachers play a major role in Student Wellbeing. Often trust and rapport are established with a particular teacher. Therefore individual classroom teachers may provide social and academic support, resolve matters of inappropriate behaviour and refer pupils in need to another member of the school care network.

*Each year has a Year Adviser assigned to support the students in that year. Year Advisers play a central role in the school’s wellbeing structure. They advocate and support students, monitor student progress and often act as the link between parents and the school.

*For Years 7-10 the year group is allocated an Assistant Year Advisor who supports the year advisor, steps into their role when they are absent and looks at student attendance.

*The Head Teacher of Wellbeing deal with wellbeing needs that have progressed beyond the level of the Year Adviser and deal with large group or whole school wellbeing issues.

*There are three Deputy Principals (Year 7 & Year 10; Year 8 & Year 11 and Year 9 & Year 12).  The Deputy Principal deal with wellbeing needs that have progressed beyond the level of the Head Teachers of Wellbeing.


School Counsellors respond to referrals of individual students from teachers or parents or to pupils who refer themselves directly.



What to do if you have a Concern?


If something is concerning you, either personally or because of something happening in the school, talk it over with someone you feel comfortable talking with. Generally, the best place to start is with your Year Adviser, although you may want to speak to one of your class teachers, with a Head Teacher of Wellbeing or with the Deputy Principal. You may also refer yourself to the school counsellor. There are lots of people to help with all kinds of problems, so most importantly, don’t hesitate to talk to someone.


If your concern is subject based (eg about an assignment in a particular subject) it is best to make contact with the classroom teacher or the Head Teacher of that faculty. If your concern is broader it is best to contact the Year Adviser or Head Teacher Wellbeing. As teachers are unable to leave classes unattended please either make contact by phone, or if you require an interview, organise an appointment time. You might also contact the Deputy Principals or the Principal if you feel your needs have not been met.


Rutherford Technology High School 2020 Anti Bullying Plan


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