Rutherford Technology High School

Respect Responsibility Commitment

Telephone02 4932 5999

Special Education

Rutherford Technology High School Support Unit

At Rutherford Technology High School, the support unit caters for  two Mild Intellectual Disability classes (IM), one Moderate Intellectual Disability class (IO) and one Autism/Multicategorical class MC/AU).  The support unit implements a high school model in which the teachers rotate between different classrooms to teach specific subjects developing the students’ skills in coping with change.  Each class has a homeroom teacher for Roll call, English/Literacy (Period 1) and PDHPE.  All teachers then rotate rooms for one subject, either Mathematics, Science or HSIE.  All classes then attend one practical food practical lesson a week, one science practical a cycle, two sport lessons a week and attend mainstream electives supported by the SLSO’s from the support unit where possible.  

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

All students in the support unit have an IEP, which is developed in collaboration with student, staff and parent/caregiver and outside support agencies. During Term 1, parents, students and staff meet to develop goals in areas relevant to the students’ academic, social and life learning outcomes.  In Term 4, these goals are evaluated with parents, students and staff to monitor students’ progress and make subsequent changes to support students further. 


Subjects taught within the support unit in Years 7-10 include English/Literacy, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, PDHPE, Work Education, Visual Art and Design and Technology.  Students access Food twice per cycle and Science once per cycle as a class in the mainstream.  Along with these subjects, students’ access many elective subjects in the mainstream environment and the decision of whether students access elective subjects within the mainstream environment is made after collaboration with the student, support unit teachers, parents/carers and mainstream Head Teachers as part of their IEP.  Support unit staff work closely with mainstream teachers to ensure that differentiation occurs for each individual student in classwork and assessments. In Years 11-12, the support unit offers Life Skills subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Work and the Community Life Skills, Food, Visual Arts and Design and Technology.

Community Access

All students are encouraged as part of their IEP to participate in programs to access the community.  This includes travel training, work sampling, recreational sampling, grocery shopping skills, excursions within the local area including local the local Library, Maitland Aquatic Centre, local shopping centres and further into Newcastle.  Each year students are offered one overnight camp to put all of their learnt skills into practice and to reward students for working hard to meet their goals throughout the year.

Whole School Events

Support unit students participate in all whole school events including Thursday morning sport, sports carnivals, year specific excursions and events and the end of term PBL rewards program.  Students can access White card, First Aid and many other school events. 


Support Faculty Staff 2025


Ms Lauren Gear (Head Teacher)

Ms Maree Hulbert

Mrs Meg McLaren (M, Tu, W & F)

Mrs Belinda Nash

Ms Kelly Puplett

Ms Heidi Tyrie

Ms Ansje Vogel

Mr Aaron Werts (Thur & F-Wk A)