Rutherford Technology High School

Respect Responsibility Commitment

Telephone02 4932 5999

Literacy & Numeracy

The Literacy and Numeracy Team at Rutherford Technology High School consists of Learning and Support Teachers (LaSTs) and School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs). 

Our aim is to improve the learning opportunities and experiences of all students and to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes across all years.


LaST Team 2025

Ms Naomi Scorringe (Head Teacher)

Ms Kay Gill (W-Wk B, Thu & F)

Ms Sharna Halstvedt (Off W-Wk B & F)

Ms Jacqueline Henneberger

Mr Ethan Sansom

Ms Belle Stewart

Ms Mary Strong (Tu & Thu)


SLSO Team 2025

Mr Kobey Adam-Smith

Ms Margaret Clark

Ms Jasmine Dalwood (M, Th & F)

Mr Anthony Lawrence

Ms Louise McFadden

Mrs Terri Malone

Mrs Lucy Mukoko 

Mrs Kaila Neville (M-W)

Mr Rod Porter 

Ms Tracy Quilty

Mr Dylan Rawson (M-W)

Ms Jontelle Richards (W-F)

Mrs Evelyn Robinson

Ms Lucy Rutherford (M, W & F)

Ms Anita Sams

Mrs Lisa Wall

Ms Sally Whitehouse


Some of the ways we support learning at RTHS include:

Learning Hub including N Award and Assessment Support:

The Learning Hub is open to Years 10, 11 and 12 to attend when they need support with their N awards or assessment tasks.  The Learning Hub timetable is advertised on the windows of the Learning Hub in K27 as well as in the Library and Senior Study.  Students in Years 7-9 who need assessment support are always welcome to come to the LaST staffroom at recess or lunch.

During distance learning an online version of the Learning Hub was developed on CANVAS for all students and continues to be maintained so students can seek learning support from LaSTs through CANVAS.  A parent information page was also set up on CANVAS to provide an online collection of resources for parents.

LaST Testing:

New students and students who are referred to the Learning Support Team (LST) are tested for literacy and numeracy skills and this information is shared with their teachers and their parents/carers.  We also regularly monitor reading and spelling ages of all students to ensure they are progressing with their skills.

LARs and IEPs:

Learning Adjustment Registers (LARs) list all necessary adjustments for students with additional learning needs and are shared with all classroom teachers of the student.  LARs are developed in consultation with the student, parent/carer and a LaST.  Classroom teachers register the adjustments they make for students and these are recorded in the National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD).

Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are completed with students and their parents/carer and a LaST when a student receives Integrated Funding Support or is in Out of Home Care.  The IEP outlines 3 main goals for the student and is shared with all their teachers.

Minimum Standards Testing and Support:

NESA requires students to complete three tests during Yrs 10-12 at a Level 3 or higher to achieve their minimum standards for their HSC.  These tests are in reading, writing and numeracy.  The LaST team administer these tests and work with students who have not achieved them to improve their skills and ensure they pass these tests before they finish Year 12. 


MacqLit is a literacy program aimed at improving a student’s word attack skills as well as spelling and comprehension.  Students are given a placement test and if their results indicate they would benefit from the program they are then supported by SLSOs or LaSTs to complete the program.  The program monitors their decoding and fluency skills to ensure they continue to progress through the program.

In-class Support:

SLSOs work across a number of classrooms supporting students with their learning.  Some of our LaSTs also work closely with targeted Year 7 classes to assist their transition to High School and other LaSTs support in class with observations and strategy support when requested through LST.

Disability Provisions

Students who require additional support with assessments and exams can apply for disability provisions through the LaST team.  Provisions include reading pens, writers, extra time, small group supervision, diabetes provisions and adjusted assessments.  We also manage the applications for provisions during the HSC exams.

Progressions Tracking including NAPLAN and Best Start Testing:

The Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions are part of the NSW Department of Education Literacy and Numeracy Strategy.  These progressions identify the skills necessary for literacy and numeracy and indicate the next steps in improving a student’s literacy and numeracy skills.  The LaST team manages the data collected by classroom teachers through observation and class assessments as well as data collected through Best Start and NAPLAN training to identify students with additional needs for literacy and numeracy and monitor the progress of all students.  This helps us to determine the next steps in whole school planning for literacy and numeracy development.


The LaST team have developed Reading, Spelling and Numeracy booklets that are aimed at developing skills for students based on their reading or spelling age or sub-elements of the numeracy progression where they have been identified as needing additional help.  Parents can request these booklets to be sent home for additional home study or are given to students when needs are identified.  When the booklets are completed they can be returned to the LaST staffroom where they will be marked and feedback given to the student.

Transition to High School:

During Year 6, students receive visits at their Primary Schools from the LaST team.  We conduct testing with the students and meet with their parents to collect information to ensure a smooth transition for all students into high school.  We also run Targeted Transition days for students that are identified from their Primary Schools as needing extra opportunities for transition and also support with the Orientation day and Peer Support.