Stage 4 and Stage 5
In Stages 4 and 5, the study of science is mandatory.
The Science Years 7-10 Syllabus emphasises inquiry-based learning. Students explore the physical world, earth and space, living world, and chemical world embedding the working scientifically skills of:
· questioning and predicting
· planning investigations
· conducting investigations
· processing and analysing data and information
· problem-solving
· communicating.
Through this, the syllabus aims to develop students' scientific literacy, as well as an appreciation and engagement in science and its impacts on society. The programming page has additional information to assist with your planning, including detailed information and resources for teaching the skills of working scientifically including the student research project.
Stage 6
In 2018, NESA implemented six new Stage 6 science syllabuses in NSW. Four of those syllabuses: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Environmental Science are revitalised courses while the Investigating Science and Science Extension syllabuses are new courses in the Stage 6 science curriculum.
In Years 11 and 12, the following two-unit courses are available.
· Biology
· Chemistry
· Earth and Environmental Science
· Physics
· Investigating Science
In Year 12, the one unit Science Extension course is also available.
Science Extra Curricula Opportunities
At Rutherford Technology High School, the Science Faculty offers the following programs designed to extend and develop students’ interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Science Faculty Staff 2025
Mr Jai Hancock (Head Teacher)
Ms Jade Bassett
Mr Sean Knight
Mr Klay McGaw
Mr Aaron McGowan
Mrs Anna Petrovski
Mr Matthew Rees
Ms Chloe Snowden
Mrs Jeanette Turner
Mrs Loretta Wells
Ms Kelly Young (M)
Mr Ben O'Leary (Deputy Principal: Attendance)
Ms Abbey Shannon
Mrs Sigourney Prince