Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.
In TAS, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through a design and production process using a range of tools, materials and techniques in theory and practical lessons.
The continuum of technology learning is:
- mandated from Kindergarten to Year 8 through Science and Technology K-6 and Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 syllabuses
- based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding to design and produce solutions
- optional for student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design.
Available courses include:
- Technology Mandatory Years 7-8
- Agricultural Technology Years 7-10
- Design and Technology Years 7-10
- Food Technology Years 7-10
- Graphics Technology Years 7-10
- Industrial Technology Years 7-10
- Information and Software Technology Years 7-10
- Textiles Technology Years 7-10
- Agriculture Stage 6
- Design and Technology Stage 6
- Engineering Studies Stage 6
- Food Technology Stage 6
- Industrial Technology Stage 6
- Information Processes and Technology Stage 6
- Software Design and Development Stage 6
- Textiles and Design Stage 6.
Stage 5 Industrial Technology Woodwork
Industrial Technology Wood Work is a two year subject (Year 9 and Year 10) and is a hands on practical subject. It involves design, modifying and constructing projects over a two year period where students will produce a number of jobs. Some of these jobs include a foot stool, tool box, side table and a major project. Along with these projects, students learn to produce a Project folio where both research, planning and documentation is implemented to enhance their job. As this subject is an elective, it incurs a compulsory fee each year. Safety is an important focus area within workshops and students are required to wear Departmental approved foot wear (ie. Leather shoes).
Stage 5 iSTEM
iSTEM is a Year 9 and 10 subject where students participate in a range of hands on practical and technology based learning activities and learn to apply the Engineering Design Process to manage projects and work in teams. Students learn and apply principles of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics incorporating projects in engineering, aerodynamics, motion, mechatronics, 3D CAD and 3D printing, and are given opportunities to compete in STEM based competitions in the local area.
Stage 6 Industrial Technology Timber & Furnishing
Stage 6 (Year 11 and Year 12) Industrial Technology Timber & Furnishing is a course operating over a two year period. Students develop problem solving and construction skills during the development of minor projects throughout Year 11 and work towards the completion of a Major Project in Year 12. All projects include a supplementary folio where students will be recording and researching information that details the development of each project. Students undertaking this course will develop a diverse range of skills, attitudes and knowledge during the construction of both Minor and Major Projects. Students will need to develop a time management plan to help them complete projects which have set due dates including the Year 12 project that is externally assessed and typically due Week 4 Term 3.
Stage 6 Engineering Studies
Engineering Studies is a Stage 6 course that is aimed towards students with an interest in Engineering, and provides students with skills, knowledge and understanding associated with a study of engineering, its practices and associated methodologies. Students learn and apply engineering concepts, participate in group activities and apply communication skills, management skills, and problem solving skills to the completion of Engineering Reports and associated projects, preparing them for a range of different career opportunities.
Stage 5 Food Technology
Students are able to make informed decisions based on knowledge and understanding of the impact of food on society, of food properties, preparation and processing, and the interrelationship of nutrition and health. This understanding enables them to design, manage and implement solutions, in a safe and hygienic manner, for specific purposes with regard to food. Fees are applicable.
-select, use and apply appropriate terminology, resources and a broad range of media to accurately communicate ideas, understanding and skills to a variety of audiences.
-demonstrate practical skills in preparing and presenting food that enable them to select and use appropriate ingredients, methods and equipment. Students apply skills and gain confidence in managing, realising and evaluating solutions for specific food purposes.
-are aware of the development of technology and its impact on the individual, society, the environment and the food industry. Students have understanding, knowledge and skills of a range of processes, resources and technologies, including computer software, appropriate to the planning, preparation, manufacture, experimentation and plating of food.
-have a body of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes and apply these in a practical manner. Students express ideas and opinions, experiment and test ideas and demonstrate responsibility in decision-making in a safe learning environment.
-reflect on and evaluate decisions made in relation to solutions for specific purposes with regard to food at a personal level, and also consider the social implications of these in a variety of settings.
TAS Faculty Staff 2025
Mr Scott Cromarty (Head Teacher)
Mr Hamish Gibson
Mr Jack Murphy
Ms Samantha Oakley (M, Tu, Th & F)
Mrs Caryn Rasmus (Tu-Thur)
Mr Matthew Robinson
Mrs Jessica Rollo
Ms Paige Simpson
Mr Peter Turner
Mrs Alana Wykes